What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a time-honored healing art that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow, alleviate pain, and promote natural healing.
Acupuncture is the “physics” to herbal medicine’s “chemistry”. A good Acupuncturist can redirect electrical flow by stimulating the correct points to:
Manage pain by bringing your body’s natural enkephalins and endorphins to the affected site
Lower stress by inducing a net cortisol drop by the time a client has rested for as little as a 15 minute treatment (more drop with a longer rest time)
Improve digestion by flipping the body’s switch from Sympathetic overdrive (fight or flight) to Parasympathetic balance (rest and digest)
Speed up the healing of injuries by shunting circulation and neuro pathway chains to the site of damage
Encourage OB/GYN balance by bringing the same circulation of blood and neuro pathway movement around the pelvic cavity and vital glands
What to Expect
During your acupuncture session, you will receive a comprehensive consultation followed by a personalized treatment designed to address your specific needs. Wear loose fitting clothing, and be ready to take a wonderfully refreshing nap once your points are placed.